Mobile credentials/mobile ID, also known as access control, is set to become the contactless entry system of choice.
What is a mobile credential or mobile ID access control system?
It may eventually replace the need for access control cards, keys and fobs; instead, it uses doors that can be unlocked by smartwatches or mobile phones. Each person authorised to enter your building is likely to carry a smartphone, so if your door access control system uses an app with mobile credentials, they could open doors and gates without touching them.
Each person’s unique mobile credentials and ID information is stored on their phone. With the HID mobile phone access system, these credentials cannot be copied, so if a user replaces their smartphone or watch, they will need a new mobile ID. This helps increase security.
Generating a new mobile ID for an access control system is a short, simple task that can be carried out in the corresponding HID Mobile Portal.
The benefits of adopting a smartphone contactless access control system are immense. For example:
- Hygiene and speed: Contactless smartwatch or phone-operated door locks eliminate touchpoints and delays.
- No plastic waste: This system generates no plastic waste (no cards, fobs or lanyards are needed).
- Real-time access management and highly automated admin: An access control management portal that enables permissions to be instantly revoked without having to physically retrieve a card, fob or key.
- Reduce vandalism and fraudulent entry: Longer range unlocking means readers can be placed out of reach.
- Prevents users from lending their cards/fobs/keys to others: People don’t tend to share their mobile phones but will often lend cards and fobs to others.
- Reduces the risk of loss: Users are highly unlikely to misplace their smartphone or smartwatch.
- Efficiency and first impressions: Contactless access control systems reduce delays at entry and exit points while providing an impressive user experience.
Is mobile credential access control futureproof?
We think mobile devices will continue to be important in corporate life, and so we regard mobile credential access control systems as a wise and futureproof investment. In 2020 in the UK, more than 90% of people of working age owned a smartphone. Mobile phones and other devices are used to access bank accounts, SaaS and company networks, and to run video conferences. They have even replaced car keys.
Smartphone-operated access control systems can be used from much further away than fobs and cards, giving them a wider range of applications. For example, they offer a more efficient, user-friendly method of controlling gates to private car parks.
Because smartphone door access control systems can be managed remotely, credentials can be issued, changed or withdrawn from your organisation’s or your facilities maintenance company’s centralised management portal. This helps avoid awkward in-person scenarios when tricky circumstances arise.
HID Mobile credential pricing
HID Mobile’s pricing is modular – there is a charge for each user on the system and for every new credential downloaded. Licensing is device-specific, so if a user changes phone or deletes the app they will have to purchase another licence.
Why should I look to upgrade my readers?
Every reader is backwards compatible so you can upgrade your readers to the HID SE range now to futureproof your existing access control system, so you can continue using your cards/fobs until you are ready to adopt a mobile credential solution. This means that if you are using legacy credentials using old 125kz technology, you could simply upgrade your readers and then seamlessly look to replace your cards or fobs with the latest technologies.
125khz cards are easily copied within 5 seconds using equipment that is readily available on the internet, so old technology poses a security risk to your site and organisation.
Contact us to arrange to discuss your site security with our independent specialist.