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RPET Lanyards and Global Plastic Pollution

07 Jan RPET Lanyards and Global Plastic Pollution
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In the UK, we use around 7.7 billion plastic bottles per year. That’s an average of 117 bottles per person, every year!

To meet the demand, nationwide we produce around 15 million single-use PET plastic bottles every day- more than 50% of which end up in landfill or, even worse, our oceans.[1] Sounds bad, right?

So what’s the solution?

You may be wondering what can be done to solve this. Everyone drinks from plastic bottles, and there’s not much that can be done about that- but where the bottles end up at the end of their life is where we can all make a change! PET plastic bottles, including their lids, can be fully recycled in the UK. Instead of throwing your used bottles into general waste after you’ve used it, make sure you put it in a designated recycling bin instead.

Recycled plastic bottles can be used to produce many different products. One use is in clothing, where the used PET plastic can be ground down and then formed into fine polyester, which is then weaved into clothing.

Another use for recycled PET in textiles is in the production of lanyards! At ID Card Centre we are striving to put sustainable measures in place to ensure that we’re taking care of the environment- which is why we are now very pleased to offer RPET lanyards. The lanyards are made entirely from recycled PET plastic which comes from ‘single-use’ plastic bottles.

What’s more, since our lanyards are made entirely from PET, they can be recycled again when they are no longer needed. If your lanyards have a metal clip fitting, this will be separated before the lanyards are recycled.

RPET lanyards are available plain in a variety of colours, or they can be fully personalised with your company’s logo or event branding to make them a great marketing tool. This doesn’t affect the recyclability of the lanyards.

This is just one way that we’re trying to reduce the number of plastic products that end up in landfill or the ocean. 


RPET lanyards are a much more sustainable solution than standard PET or nylon lanyards because they are made from recycled plastic. If your business uses lanyards internally or for events, using RPET lanyards is one way that you can improve the environmental sustainability of your business and take responsibility for the correct disposal of plastics.

Why’s this important?

8 million plastic products enter our oceans EVERY DAY worldwide.[2] This includes trash ranging from plastic bottles and carrier bags to bin bags and barrels full of trash.

By 2050 it is thought that there will be more plastic in our oceans than fish.[3] That is if we continue to dispose of plastics in general waste rather than recycling. If that doesn’t concern you, consider that every year, over 1 million marine animals ranging from seabirds to turtles and dolphins, die as a direct result of plastic pollution.[4] Over 250 different species of marine life have been found to have plastics in their digestive system.[3] 

Ocean pollution statistics

Granted, you’re likely sat reading this and thinking – ‘but I’ve never left any plastic in the ocean, and nor would I!’. It’s true. We’re not necessarily the ones dumping plastic in the ocean or washing it through the sewage system- but by disposing of all our recyclable plastics correctly, we can prevent so much plastic from making it to the world’s waterways.

The only way that we can make a positive difference to this startling statistic is if we all change the way we use plastics.

  • ‘Single-use’ plastic bottles can usually be used more than once. If you buy a bottle of water on your way to work on a Monday morning, keep hold of it and refill it- it’ll do you for the rest of the week!
  • When you’re disposing of your used plastic bottles and packaging, check first whether or not it’s recyclable. Most plastics used in packaging can be recycled, in which case they should be washed and put into designated recycling waste. The waste can then be used in the production of clothing, packaging and many other products…like our lanyards!
  • Source environmentally friendly alternatives where possible. With most plastic products on the market today, there’s a more sustainable alternative. You don’t need to compromise on quality- recycled products are usually just as good quality! For example, you wouldn’t know the difference between an RPET lanyard and a standard PET lanyard if it hit you in the face!

Time for change

Is the way that you look at plastic pollution changing? Globally there is a growing concern for the worsening condition of our natural resources. The amount of waste plastic going into landfill and our oceans should be a concern for all of us, especially since we are so reliant on our oceans for water supply and carbon dioxide absorption.

So, next time you buy lanyards- will you choose RPET? Furthermore, when you’re disposing of used lanyards and plastic ID consumables, will you recycle them?



[1] - Recycling Facts

[2] - Plastic Pollution Facts & Figures

[3] - Plastic Oceans

[4] - Unesco

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